Not so Fast, Obama
Meanwhile, Saskboy once again demonstrates his usual inanity. He attempted to post this comment:
"If there's one thing Bush taught Americans, it's that the President can do whatever the heck he wants -- Iraqi opinion be damned."He's clearly suffering from BDS, and since I have far greater respect for Iraqis than that, I will just have to ask him a few questions before I decide whether he is opposed to democracy for Iraq, and therefore not welcome here. So how 'bout it, Saskboy. Which Iraqis are you talking about? This one?

Or did you mean these people, Saskboy?

Or these? (Note that they guy being kissed is an American soldier.)

Or this little one?

Maybe these?

Oh, I know. You meant the ones in mass graves, didn't you:

Yes. That's it. That's what Iraqis want. I mean it certainly wouldn't be the Iraqis who participated in this poll about their upcoming elections.
Own up, Saskboy. You know diddly squat about Iraq and Iraqis. You're like all the other brain dead leftists who have spent the past six years carefully cultivating ever more deeply entrenched BDS, while completely ignoring the real aspirations of Iraq's citizens. I'm sure you'll come up with some addled conspiracy theory about the elections next week, too. They are all Bush's fault, all these elections. Iraqis don't want to choose their governments. Perish the thought.
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