God's Gift of Freedom to the People of Iraq
Iraqis turn out in record numbers for crucial elections
Nouri al-Maliki, whose State of Law coalition was banking on a solid showing in the face of a threatened rebellion from the regions over poor service delivery, said the poll was largely conducted fairly.Eat your heart out, Saskboy. And you think George Bush was just dictating his whims to Iraq! Shame on you for dissing the soul of Iraq's people. You leftards are so pathetic!"Many people have seen Iraq as a dictatorship, but today that has changed," he said, casting his ballot in Baghdad. "Others are saying this is a sectarian government, but this isn't true. We can't be a dictatorship again and we won't be."
==========Original Post Starts Here===========
Posted in the comments at Iraq the Model at 2:25 am today:
"This day 31st January 2009, is yet another Holy-day in Iraq.
Yet another Iraqi election.
Thanks to the Soldiers of the USA/UK and the coalition for making it happen.
Thanks to the people of the USA/UK and others for helping Iraq become free and Democratic with human rights and the rule of Law stand supreme.
Thanks to Bush/Blair for their visions to give back God's gift of freedom to the people of Iraq.
Kind regards
Hameed abid"
Ballots rather than bullets.
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