Friday, January 02, 2009

Gaza by the Numbers

Scroll down a bit for the stats on rockets fired into Israel and a whole lot more stuff. You will note that the earliest date here is 2001 and it deals only with the "death by a thousand cuts" strategy of Hamas. None of the earlier manifestations of "death by a thousand cuts" "and "boy who cried wolf" strategists in any part of Israel and her immediate neighbourhood is documented. If we were to document the full number of such "cuts" administered by Palestinians or their proxies since the creation of Israel, or even before, the numbers of aggressive acts perpetrated by Palestinians, and even by warring neighbours, would be astronomical.

I once had sympathy for the Palestinians. Their land was promised to someone else by the Brits way back in 1917 by the then Foreign Secretary, Alfred Balfour, and in its early days, a massive influx of European Jews escaping persecution in Europe seriously upset the balance of power. And their has been, and still is, a propensity on the part of both Jews and many others, notably fundamentalist Christians to deny that Palestinians even existed. Whether or not they were known by that name, people, including Arabs, have lived in that patch of land since time immemorial. To verify that, all you have to do is ask an Israeli archaeologist.

But, bejesus, how long does it take to recognize that the "death by a thousand cuts" tactic produces the opposite result. Even if the whole world should wash its hands of Israel's supposed "aggression" and "expansionism", as this report seems to suggest, I really do think Israel could take care of their own and might actually give the lunatics on the left exactly what they are looking for - aggression and expansionism. Since they are constantly accused of this, what do they have to lose? The Arab countries seem to have washed their hands, by and large. Even their long fostered pretense of unity is beginning to crack wide open and ordinary citizens are starting to see the light, but that is a topic for another post.


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