Saturday, December 06, 2008

More Fun Than a Monty Python Skit!!

UPDATE: Ezra Levant has excellent summaries of pollsters' findings about Canadian sentiment on this issue. Read them Saskboy, and cry.

As Ezra says, it just goes to show how far removed the media is from the real opinion held by the rest of us, the great unwashed in this country . Here's hoping that the voters remember this fiasco when the next election roles around and give Harper a real majority and then let's hope he privatizes the CBC. Go, Harper!!!

Coverage of the anti-coalition rallies are featured on several Canadian blogs this evening and I see Saskboy, like the rodent in a game of whack-a-mole, is popping up on the right side of the Canadian blogosphere desperately mewing. Some great placards at some of them, too. Too bad I'm so far away from any of the chosen rally sites.

Check out these: Deborah Gyapong on Ottawa, Darryl Wolk, on Toronto, Queens Park and other places, two entries at Dust My Broom, and one at the Mad Dino's place on the rally in Winnipeg or should that be Winterpeg (gotta like the Louis Riel reference in the vid at the Broom). Daveberta in Edmonton, Robert Jago in Vancouver. Kate also has a good round-up.

Mad Dino, but the way, has a great compilation of editorials from Canada's MSM newspapers about this grand theatre.

Meanwhile, Adam Daifallah reports that the knives have come out in the upper echelons of the Liberal Party.

So long, Dion. Looks like you're the sacrificial lamb. For good reason, too.

Hit the road, Jack. And don't you come back, no more, no more, no more, no more. Liberal Party coat tails have been ripped off, thanks to you and your incompetent sugar daddy, Stephie.

Gilles, that's a long steep hill you're falling down. Good luck with that. All that beautiful hair is gonna be messed up, no matter how carefully you roll, but it serves you right for being such a crass opportunist.

And Bob Rae? As you know, those who can, do. Those who can't - teach. Looks like you might have to take up consulting for a living.

Such fun!! I love it.


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