Monday, December 29, 2008

Lockerbie, Scotland - Twenty Years Ago

I missed this, but it's not to late. December 21st was the twentieth anniversary of the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 by two Libyans, killing 270 people. Justice was finally served in 2001, only months before 9/11. It would be interesting to document the number of terrorist attacks, including hijacking, perpetrated by men from the Arab and Muslim world in the past twenty to thirty years, or more. The Munich Olympics massacre is another, more distant, example. There was a time, when I was much younger, that security screening at airports was non-existent and big events like the Olympics, were not crawling with security personnel. Times have changed. But the tactic of hijacking and blowing up passenger planes has not lost its appeal to disaffected thugs, whatever their ethnic or religious origin.


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