It's a Tough Task...
For the education of a tool who calls himself Balbulican, (whose handle, by the way, reminds me of the word balboolic, which in the Iraqi-Arabic dialect literally means "little birdie", but is a euphemism for the genitalia of a small male child, but I digress, so let's just call him a dick and be done with it).
Over at Xanthippa's Chamberpot the dick and I are once again arguing with one another. He has posed a couple of stupid remarks, namely:
"I'm glad that you eventually figured out there something odd about group of self proclaimed Muslims who claim to be editing the word of their God. You were a bit slower than the rest of us to catch on, that's all."and, posing a hypothetical scenario that I might encounter, he says:
This link is my response. Try and keep up, Bal."Suppose she was approached by a group called “Christians for a Renewed Christianity”. They have a website, they solicit money, and they’re inviting people - anyone - to rewrite sections of the Bible that they feel don’t reflect true Christianity.
Then suppose you found out that “Christians for a Renewed Christianity” was actually a collection of folks who despise Christianity, and collect and post as much anti-Christian material as they can find."
I wonder if Muslims Against Sharia have a role in this project? Khalim?
Evidently, Bal, you have not heard of any of these folks, either:
Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
Irshad Manji
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Ibn Warraq
Wafa Sultan
Mithal al Alusi
Mona Eltahawy
Taslima Nasrin
Nibras Kazimi
Or heard the story of Simon Deng or Danish parliamentarian, Naser Khader? (Listen to him here on the cartoon fiasco.)
There are legions of others.
And you will note that one of the goals of the Institution for Secularization of Islamic Society is to "publicise acts of terror and oppression."
I could go on. The point is, there is a growing number of Muslims who have found the courage to speak out and the reformation of Islam has begun, and contrary to your delusions, not every non-Muslim who supports these courageous people is an Islamophobe.
You should read the Petersberg Declaration or listen to its delivery here, by Ibn Warraq, or for that matter, view all the presentations made at the Secular Islam Summit and ask yourself why you seem to be opposed to this movement. As a leftist, you are no doubt pleased to know you are opposed to the very thing the left, to their great credit, once championed.
In the meantime, there is great news from Bangladesh this morning:
Secular Party Wins Landslide Victory in Bangladesh
"...the Awami League, in alliance with a smaller party called Jatiya, won more than two-thirds of the 300 parliamentary seats after votes in most districts had been counted."Led by a woman, no less.
"Ms. Hasina has promised to quash Islamist extremist groups in Bangladesh, a largely Muslim country.God bless her and keep her safe.
She has been a target of the extremists’ ire already, having been wounded by a grenade at a 2004 rally in an attack linked to Islamist radicals that killed 23 people."
The times, they are a changing, Bal. Your bankrupt ideology is part of the problem. Please get out of the way if you can't lend a hand.
(Note to Saskboy: This is how it's done in a democracy. You form the coalition before the election, so that the people know what they are getting when they mark their ballots.)
Ahh, you've crossed sabres with Balbull from the (Fuhrer)bunker...from what I've seen of this dude trolling thru the blogoworld he's for the most part a good boy, harmless until he takes himself seriously at which point his inane ramblings quickly become to humour this one(smile, nod your head in agreement, as you would with someone suffering from dementia)and move on.
I wish. His mental disorder is more like narcissism. I'm betting he has a vested interest (income of some sort) in maintaining this old discredited ideology. Sadly, there are still a lot of young folks who lap it up. Maybe that's his motive. He enjoys have little groupies gazing up admiringly at him. Puke.
BTW, if you never had the chance to read Mahmood's Den when it was still active, you missed a good one. (You'll remember my question of you ;-)) Mahmood's Den author was a Bahraini. I have to wonder if the censors came calling, or if he just decided to move on to other things.
Sorry, Louise - you've already decided that I'm a member of the Secret Aboriginal Elite: can I be that AND a member of the Secret Jihadi Conspiracy too?
Anyhow, we're having a great time mockin' ya at the bunker. Come on over and get abused. Of course, you have to learn to talk like an adult, but heck...isn't it about time?
Read the first link you provided. Key quote: "The country's powerful Department of Religious Affairs has commissioned a team of theologians at Ankara University to carry out a fundamental revision of the Hadith, the second most sacred text in Islam after the Koran."
Speaking of "keeping up" - thanks for the second note of agreement. Not only did you finally (albeit slowly) arrive at a slightly more accurate view of MAS - but you now also appear to grasp my second point - that the revision of sacred texts is a task undertaken by theologians, not foul mouthed internet bloggers.
Good for you. Maybe light IS dawning.
Hey, Mahmoud, you'll notice he has to veer off in a different direction now.
Oh yeh, Balbull has returned to the bunker, after his exchange with you, seeking validation(as a troop of monkeys would)from his crew and with great delight and excitement announced..."Breaking News!!"...prepare for the inevitable profane/insane onslaught that is sure to follow.
ps., he seems quite smitten with you, almost giddy(that of a school boy)in his "Breaking News!!" headliner...(note the double "!!")...he spared no expense.
I value my computer equipment and my blog. I will not risk contaminating it by visiting his blog. I do have the keys to the door of this place too, and will use them to lock out the mob, if need be.
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