Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Iraqi Ambassador to the United States Speaks

UPDATE: After I wrote this entry, I was curious to find out if the ex-brother-in-law still worked at the embassy in Washington, so I emailed my ex. His reply was more than a little interesting as it told me a story that I had not heard before, likely because it happened after my ex and I broke up. It's a story about, guess who? The Butcher of Baghdad himself, Saddam Hussein. I tell you folks. When you know personally, people who lived under the Butcher of Baghdad, it puts a whole different perspective on the war and on George W. Bush. Here it is, verbatim (emphasis mine):
"He was employed by the Iraqi Government as a councilor in the Iraqi embassy in Washington, DC. This year he retired having added to his service the years that he was in (exile) in London, UK. These years put service up to 35 years (25 years is the requirement). The reason I say (exile) is because back in early 80's and while he was working in the Iraqi embassy in London, Saddam call upon him to return back to Baghdad. When Saddam asks you to return, you do not. needless to say he quit and took legal refuge in the UK and later he became British citizen. He lives in Baghdad now. I talk to him from time to time but I don't know what he does now."

I think I may have mentioned sometime a long time ago on this blog that my ex's brother works (or worked, because I'm not sure if he's still there) in the Iraqi Embassy in Washington DC. This video of the current Iraqi ambassador to the US reminds me of my ex's family. Despite our differences, most of my ex's family were very decent people. It was through meeting and conversing with people just like him that I came to believe that Iraq could rise and some day be a great nation. I haven't lost that hope. Not for a minute.

h/t Pat Dollard


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