Friday, November 21, 2008

The Things I Write...

..when I'm sleep walking. I don't remember writing this, but it sure could have come from my fingertips hitting my keyboard.

Iraq War: Right Time, Right Place, Right War

We had to go to war, because the only sure way to ensure our national security is to drain the swamp of terrorism: to finally begin the process of wrenching the Arab world from a culture of backwardness, oppression and hatred toward the West.
Too many forget that there was massive support for the war in 2003: from left to right, Democrats and Republicans; and if many of our European allies did not support going to war in early 2003, their intelligence services were supporting the views of our own multi-agency analyses: that Saddam had WMDs, a belief Saddam almost undoubtedly nurtured in order to overawe his Iranian neighbors.
WMDs were the primary reason we went to war. Others include Saddam's genocidal campaign against the Kurds and his infringement of the no-fly zone, which violated the armistice that had halted the fighting in 1991 and gave the Powers opposing him the legal right under international law to resume hostilities.
The reality is that Saddam would have had to have been removed at some point, and the decrepit state he held together by terror was bound to blow apart. Better sooner than later to get a head start on taking on a country at the heart of the Arab world and Arab mythology that had been fomenting terrorism, oppressing its people and otherwise helping to sustain a collective Arab culture that is a petri dish for terrorism.


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