Saturday, November 15, 2008
About Me
- Name: Louise
- Location: Canada
A stubble jumper is a prairie farmer. I'm from Saskatchewan and my dad was a farmer, so the name is apt. "Redneck" needs no explanation. It's anyone who disagrees with a lunatic leftie. My blog is mostly about the Middle East but other issues also catch my eye and get me going. I monitor comments to keep out trolls and lunatic lefties. Anyone who is zealously anti-American and anti-democracy in the Middle East is NOT welcome.
Various Anglos Elsewhere (With Thanks to the British Empire)
Who Needs the Canadian Broadcorping Castration (CBC) When You've Got This?
AGW Scam Busters
Right Thinking Columnists
Good Stuff
are you serious -rights are won on the battlefield? Obviously this joker has never been to Canada.
Anyway the Founding Fathers were disgusted by Standing Armies and it was a specific greivence against the King in their Declaration of Independence. 2nd Amendment- Hello!?- a well regulated militia- this was supposed to be instead of a standing army not in a addition to.
Sure people do have to demand rights but it doesn't have to be violent (i.e. Civil rights for women, Jews, blacks, and gays). Collectivist action has continually secured both political and economic rights and freedoms. Look at the whole working class movement- like unions? like labour laws? like miniumin wage? like collective bargaining? like credit unions?- thank collectivism. People are way harder for capital to exploit when they are united.
Individualism is sweet when you have a million dollars. Sure I have a right to stay at the Ritz but I not free enough to go as I dont have enough money.
And Individualists generally don't agree that food, water, health, education are human rights.
The People UNITED Will NEVER BE Defeated!!!!!
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