Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lest We Forget

Just got back today from an extra long weekend in Calgary visiting my two favourite little people:

Driving back I listened to several radio broadcasts about this special day. I am reminded of my father and his generation and what they did. For these two beautiful little girls who have a bit of his genes in them, let us not forget their sacrifice. I repost this entry from July 1, 2008.
"There is a letter my father sent home from Holland dated October 13th, 1944 in which he says:
"We are right in there pitching to beat hell and having quite an exciting time. We always manage to find a house or barn to sleep in, if we can get one with a basement, so much the better. As I write there are jerry shells whizzing around and landing quite close. About five minutes ago, just as I was finishing writing to Punch [his brother] one of the few remaining doors was knocked off our house by shrapnel. Before we came in the old man and old lady (between 70 and 80 years old) were both killed in the house, they chose not to evacuate and that was the result. All of the houses are smashed up and most of the civies have evacuated, quite a few dead jerries lying around.

We are on high ground overlooking the front and have a grandstand view of the battle up ahead. We have a wonderful artillery barrage and swell support from the Typhoons and Spits of the R.A.F. and R.C.A.F. They sure make a grand sight with their rockets, bombs and cannon. No air opposition and very little flak."
Of course, my dad was putting on a brave face. He sustained shrapnel in his leg during one of those battles and, according to my mother, after the war for a long time, he would have nightmares in his sleep. For many years afterward he and my mother exchanged letters with a Dutch couple with whom he had stayed during the war. To this day, the Dutch have a special place in their history for the brave Canucks who slugged it out beating back Hitler in those terrible times."
To my two little sweethearts, may you always enjoy and cherish the freedoms so many of us take for granted and as you grow older may you also pause on this special day and be grateful.

Good videos at The Torch.

And some great stuff at Celestial Junk!

And more at Dust My Broom.


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