Challenging the Indian Industry Orthodoxy
Balbulican, who has all the hallmarks of a captain of said industry (I'm betting he's either in the legal wing, the academic wing or the consultancy wing), and I got into a heated argument and he mentioned the name of an academic who I had never heard of. Her name is Frances Widdowson. Of course, if Bal condemns her and puts her on the same plane as Thomas Flanagan, then she's probably on to something, and I must check her out. So, I've ordered her book Disrobing the Aboriginal Industry: the deception behind Indigenous Cultural Preservation and after I read it, I will be writing about it here. The blurb about her book (at the link) suggests her take on things is similar to mine, but alas, the poor woman is a Marxist, so we will probably differ in some respects. There's also a brief article by her in PDF format here, which I haven't read yet and a group of links to articles in the National Post. I find this one particularly interesting. The author, Joseph Quesnel, is "appropriately" pilloried here by some of Canada's screeching Marxists. Note the overly generous use of the words "extremist", "right wing" and "racist". Yawn.
But anyway, here is a thread on a blog in which Widdowson and others describe an encounter (to put it mildly) that she had with another Indian Industry dupe at an academic conference. Read it. It will send chills up and down your spin. Academic freedom has been killed by the Indian Industry and anyone who dares to speak that truth is threatened. We have a long tough road ahead, folks.
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