Saturday, October 25, 2008

Trudeaumania Syndrome: Is There a Cure?

Look at this post and discussion thread at Red Tory's site! (h/t Saskboy).

Meltdown. Meltdown. Meltdown.

First, a few choice bits from Red Tory's blog entry itself:
"Apparently, we were all supposed to have received the “platform” from “Team B.C.” but most it seemed had not. It was sitting in my e-mail inbox so during this idle period I opened it up and had a look see."
Speaking the BC Liberal platform:
"As an “average” (in fact, economically speaking, well below “average”) person, this said absolutely NOTHING to me." [---] "This facile assortment of “social justice” window-dressing was the sum and substance of the “Team B.C.” platform. There was nothing else.

So, excuse me for being disillusioned and more than a little pissed off. I want to be a Liberal… I want to subscribe to the ideals that I think the party strives to embody, but in its present form, it’s hapless, hopelessly lost and completely inept."
Now from the comments:

Red Tory in response to Carrie:
"Nice to know that I’m not completely alone in this feeling of disengagement from the party that I ostensibly pledge allegiance to."
"It would be interesting to see how the Liberal Party behave in the next few months. Do they give voice to their grassroots supporters, aside from asking them to contribute, or do the party insiders give out command (sic) and the grunt should just follow?"
Red Tory in response to BCer in Toronto, who had defended the Party's organizational prowess with lame excuses about having given advanced notice:
"Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds? Ooooo… it went out 45 minutes before the call. Like we’re not doing anything else in the meantime… being busy with… Oh, I dunno… work and such… early morning on a weekday. I guess that would account for the fact that no one else on the call seemed to have a clue what was being discussed or referenced."
Rural Sandi to Red Tory:
"And, I’ll be attacked again for this….but this hero worship stuff has got to stop. They have to really think about who they support. Just because someone is a little younger doesn’t mean they’re qualified. We had this whole Kennedy and Dion hero worship stuff and look what happened. Yes, we want the youth involved, but please to shut someone out because they are over 55 is nuts. [---] Backroom deals should be a thing of the past. They don’t want to give that up - because they like the attention, the partying and the feeling that “they” have the say. Well, the last election proves otherwise."
"The handful of Liberal bloggers/delegates, etc. seem to think “they” have to be heard about an agenda, renewal, etc. They don’t like the idea of one member one vote system. They think “they” are the only ones in the know, who have a say and everyone else’s (being voters) know nothing, should say nothing and not be involved. “They” don’t get it - the other parties have updated - they get it and they raked in a lot more money."
And last, but not least, Liberal 308:
"Ujjal is my dark horse pick. No French? That’s racist as hell against immigrants, who have a hard enough time learning one language, let alone two.

The number of Francophones in this country is dropping rapidly both in real numbers and as a percentage of the population; the “two founding peoples” concept is an anachronism inappropriate for post-national Canada of the 21st century.
Yup. It seems there are some Liberals that do get it, but they too have been snuffed out by the arrogant, holier than thou elite. Good luck rebuilding, folks. We need two strong parties in this country, but the Libs have just got to get with the times. You've gotta quit appeasing Quebec and worshiping old worn out Trudeau era ideology. You can start by telling Justin that he ain't got what it takes. You gotta have new ideas, not just a famous name. Don't get me wrong. I still think Trudeau was one of the greatest Prime Ministers the country ever had, but he was a man of his times and those times and the ideas that were part of it are not just over, they are thoroughly debunked. I overcame Trudeaumania Syndrome a quarter century ago. It's your turn.

Oh, and Rural Sandi, one small correction, if you don't mind. The other parties should read the Conservative Party. Only one has moved on. The NDP isn't just stuck in the Trudeau era. With their "workers versus big bad corporations" meme, it's obvious they haven't moved on since the "one big union" days of almost a century ago.


Blogger Red Tory said...

I was going to leave a comment, but you moderate. So much for that.


October 26, 2008 1:33 am  
Blogger Louise said...

As long as you conform to my commenting policy, you are welcome to comment. The moderation is as much to keep out spam as anything else.

PS. I didn't know your name was Asswipe. That's an interesting name. Musta had some twisted parents.

October 26, 2008 5:57 am  
Blogger Louise said...

Oh, and I should say, that I thought I had conveyed the impression that I really do have some empathy with that part of the Liberal Party which must feel like the great unwashed in the way the Party's upper class treats them.

Oh well. Maybe you are all cut from the same cloth, after all. If that's the case, the work ahead will be unbelievably daunting and that should leave the Cons in power for a lot longer than I imagined, which is really good news. Have a nice day.

October 26, 2008 6:06 am  

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