Sunday, October 05, 2008

Must Be Those Evil Christians Again

Although it doesn't actually say the kid who did the dirty deed was a Muslim, the district he lives in is home to a large population of Muslims. After all, years of political correctness have dictated that such details cannot be mentioned in polite company. Unless of course, the victim's attackers were American white folks in some backwards state such as Wyoming where every one with white skin has a red neck.

How many times have we heard from gay rights lobbyists and assorted leftards that Matthew Shepard's murderers were Christian, when in fact the only thing Christian about them was the fact that they were white Americans, the same colour as folks like Jerry Falwell, and therefore presumed to be practicing Christian fundamentalists? What's that you say? Every second day? That's what I thought.

And how many times have we heard from gay rights lobbyists and leftards that hanging and stoning are routine punishments for gays in parts of the Muslim world? What's that you say? Never?

h/t Gay and Right who is not afraid to call a spade and spade.

UPDATE: I've already sited one of those assorted leftards. Go read Jay Currie's blog entry for October 3rd and comments following it. Her name is Renee and she's a certified batshit crazy NDPer. Sad how so many university students can't think critically.


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