Saturday, October 04, 2008

Lizzie May Rides the Rails

I've been listening to Ron Breakenridge's interview with Robert Jago about his research into the Green Party's views on Hezbollah. Interesting enough in itself, he mentions something else about which I have been musing. He wanted to interview Lizzie herself to get her comments on the issue. So he's waiting for Lizzie to arrive at the train station. Seeing as how Lizzie is traveling by train - and the trains are always late - well, Jago had to give up and go home, his mission unfulfilled.

But it makes you wonder about the wisdom of Lizzie's rationale for taking the train. It's a good way to avoid the mob of journalists and voters who want to speak with her. How 'bout it Lizzie May? Are you open to dealing with the possibility that riding the rails makes you a candidate that has, defacto, made herself inaccessible? Mind you, I would too if I had lame views and large throngs of anti-semites in my pack.


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