Hameed Answers My Question
10.05.08 - 10:04 pm |Louise
Here is Hameed's response.
When the liberation of Kuwait took place at the hands of Prez, Bush senior and the Iraqi army was defeated.
There was a public outcry, but was suppressed violently by Saddam's men including the use of gas against the kurds and the drying of the marshes and the mass killings of the rebels and dissidents.
The people were bewildered why Saddam was kept in his position when he should have been arrested tried for genocide and should have been made to surrender to the Americans. The great Mrs. Thatcher UK PM wanted that and she was over ruled.
To mesmerize the Iraqi people Saddam instituted a monthly pay for all artists and actors and actresses so as to work for him and praise him through the media. Those who did not were either killed, imprisoned without trial, accused of being anti Bath party or sent to mass graves. But all plays were heavily censored and would take for ever to put on a show of any value. The speech was suppressed let alone freedom of speech. People were watched and punished over their dreams?
The poverty of those writers, producers, artists and creative men of vision who yearned for freedom and democracy, and human rights and the rule of Law was apparent and crippling. The majority of rest of the population was very poor too. The money were spent by the very few closer circle and the 170 Extravagant Palaces.
That Salary pay continued after the liberation until today. But it was and still is peanuts, probably 100, 000.00 Iraqi dinars per month, less than $100 dollars- about $3 per Day. It was not enough for one tray of eggs. Today it does not pay for much either.
The government funding such as the Arts Council in UK giving grants does not exist in Iraq, unless I am mistaken.
However, they- the dramatists, have been getting help from us the expatriate Iraqis through personal donations or charity functions. Some serious money such as , payments for heart surgery operations, transport, board and lodgings in India, Jordan, and Lebanon.
This play - was the first to be staged at night on the National Theatre Auditorium in Baghdad, since the liberation, as they were frightened from the Bombers..
When this Play was announced to be staged, a bomber tried to blow up the Theatre building to stop it but the security people closed all the streets leading to it for several miles.
The people the Audience, over around two thousands walked there and filled up the place and paid to enter and watch the play.
It deals with the corrupt officials the kidnappings, the killings and murders and the lack of essential services such as water, electricity, transport, security in a comic way. Hence its popular appeal. [Emphasis added]
I hope this answers your questions.
Kind regards
Hameed Abid | 10.06.08 - 5:11 am |
Wow!! Now if that ain't freedom, I don't know what is.
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