Saturday, October 04, 2008

A Concentration of Religious Nutcases

Seems to be mostly a Muslim, er, Middle Eastern thing. To wit.

Currently on the deserving to be eliminated hit list are:

1) Mickey Mouse,
2) Nudity during sex (annuls a marriage, you know!),
3) Owners of satellite television channels broadcasting "immoral" content.

h/t Shire News Network

All the more disturbing, should Taliban Jack become the leader of the opposition in our national government:

The Islamist elephant in the room no politicians will acknowledge
"The three other brave people appearing with him [Marc Lebuis] should be household names, but their courage and eloquence is, shamefully, only known and saluted by a relative handful of grateful Canadians: Salim Mansur, Tarek Fatah and Raheel Raza, three Canadian Muslims facing death threats by other Canadian Muslims for exposing the dangers of Islamism, a totalitarian ideology that wears the mask of religion.
"Appreciation was shown as well for the statements of Tarek Fatah, who spoke about the threat to freedom of speech posed by Islamists who constantly seek to chill any perceived criticism of any Muslim. In explaining the danger Islamism poses to society, Fatah said that "Islam is to Islamism as uranium is to weapons of mass destruction." Having lived 30 years in Pakistan and 10 in Saudi Arabia, Fatah knows intimately what constitutes "soft jihad" when he sees it. He expressed his sorrow, as a lifetime social democrat that after 17 years of engaged support for the NDP, he could no longer be affiliated with that party. He saw the doors opening to Islamists under Alexa McDonough and now, under Layton, he has seen them "flood" into the party."
Give me the Liberals any day.


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