Saturday, September 13, 2008
Saskatchewan's peripatetic blogger, John Murney, has yet another new blog up even though he's full time into the rigors of graduate school. He has asked the question of whether Elizabeth May can actually win in her riding. She going up against one of the most popular members of the Conservative Party and, IMHO, among the most likely to be a future leader of the Party, Peter MacKay. What hope does she have? IMHO - ZIP!! A big goose egg. But that's okay. Let her embarrass herself. She's quite good at that. I think John can safely bet on that and maybe not need any more student loans. But maybe not. The odds are so one-sided there's not like to be a lot of money on it. Like John says: "It just doesn’t make any sense at all." But when did the Greens ever make sense?
HI Louise! A couple of weeks ago, Uncle Meat asked if I would like to do a joint blog with him. I said yes, if the time commitment wsn't huge...libertyville is something I can update in about 5 minutes a day, and not have to police at all for comments! Thanks for the plug - I already have your blog link in my sidebar!
Thanks. I noticed you had a link to this place. Hope you'll be able to surface from time to time and let us know how things down there in the centre of the universe seem to be rolling along during the campaign. Looks good so far for the Cons, but anything can happen and there's still a ways to go yet.
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