Sunday, September 07, 2008

"Like a Fart in the Wind"

Hehehehehe! You just never know what you're going to find when you follow a link from someone's blog. This one started at Celestial Junk's place. There's a list of other blogs and their latest headlines on the side bar and I followed one called Jack: Socialists - "Like a fart in the wind!" found at Jack's Newswatch. Read it and the comments. The "fart in the wind" allegory in the comments is the best:
"There is no way the Socialists are a “fart in the wind”. You’re a outdoor kind of guy, how long does a fart in the wind hang around? I’d say the Socialists are more like a lingering fart that continues to foul the air."
For some reason Taliban Jack and his crew rated a mentioned in this discussion. /sarc


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