Friday, August 08, 2008

Unions and Democracy = Oxymoron

This is pretty shocking.
"In something of a surprise former Senator and Presidential Candidate George McGovern has come out in opposition to the so called Employee Free Choice Act which is being pushed by labor unions."
"The EFCA seeks to amend current labor laws with regard to how they deal with the formation and certification of unions in the workplace. Right now there can be a secret ballot to decide whether or not there should be a union in the workplace. This allows workers to make a choice without worrying about the response of pro union co workers."
"Can" be???? Good grief!! Does that mean even now union organizers in the US don't have to hold a secret ballot???? But wait, there's more.
"If EFCA passes, the secret ballot would no longer take place if they could get a majority of workers to sign a petition calling for a union. On the surface this would seem reasonable but the truth is that often workers are tricked, intimidated or otherwise coerced into signing these petitions.

With a free and secret election the workers would be able to make an informed choice."

Unions are actually contemplating not just making a secret ballot optional, but forbidden!! I think I know some folks in Saskatchewan who will be salivating at the possibility.


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