Saturday, August 09, 2008

Sex Scandal Du Jour

Edward's Scandal Rocks US Media

Okay. I recognize that this article is about the hypocrisy of the left leaning media in ignoring a sex scandal when it's one of their own while positively salivating when it's someone with a conservative bent, but really, isn't it the media's fixation with this sort of thing no matter what the politics of the guy caught with his pants down that is the problem. Most certainly the big American television networks spend huge amounts of their time and energy following sex scandals, and that's one of the main reasons I cannot stand the mainstream media.

Look folks. Human sexuality is a powerful thing. The temptation to stray must be very strong for public figures, because public life, by its very nature, throws temptation up at every turn. To me it doesn't matter whether the guy (or gal) is Conservative or Liberal, Democrat or Republican, gay or straight. It happens, and a whole network of people get hurt. The hurt is inflicted, even if it never becomes public. There are spouses and children. There are business and party affiliations. There are communities and constituents. All of them suffer from the fallout.

Some people, quite truly, come across as scumbags. Other's are embarrassed and ashamed and genuinely sorry for the hurt they have caused. But in my humble opinion, it is the media, which feasts on and contributes to the pain of so many people, who deserve the largest dose of public condemnation. Like I said, the human sex drive is powerful. We all have to deal with it and control it in the public arena. But surely we all deserve some respect for what is largely a private matter which wounds the soul and should be allowed to work through the shattered lives our behavior has created, without the media following us into the private spaces of our lives, most especially when there are children involved. So the guy's a scumbag, but so is the media wallowing in the cesspool.


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