"British soldiers forced a Shia militia commander to listen to pornographic videos, deprived him of sleep, repeatedly beat him, and kept him in solitary confinement for more than five months, according to fresh damning allegations against the conduct of UK troops in Basra."Yawn. As if the Shia militia were good saintly fellows. Puke. This comes from an organization whose zealotry includes a desire to rid the human race of all traces of sexuality, especially in women. Sorry guys. We're on to you.
We've beaten down one of the whining Islamists who wanted to use Western tradition of the rule of law to impose thought control in place of freedom of expression. There are others who are still trying to do this. But we know what you're up to. We know that your stupid prophet allows you to lie in order to get the upper hand. We recognize the tactics. And besides, we know you were jerking off the whole time, even while feeling guilty. We also know the main stream media is your official "organ". (Sorry for the choice of words, there.) But anyway. Get a life. Or maybe make that an afterlife. Seventy two virgins and all that.
Oh yeah. You forget to mention abuse of the Q'uran, you silly fellow!!! You're slipping. I guess the training of Islamists is not what it used to be, what with so many of the headmasters now rounded up or sent to see Allah.
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