Europe Sees Writing on Wall
"President Sarkozy told French forces in Kabul today that the deaths of nine soldiers in battle would do nothing to shake his resolve to keep France in Afghanistan and fight the global war against terrorism."[---]
"He added: 'Why are we here? It is because here we play a part in the freedom of the the world. Here we are fighting against terrorism.'"Yup. Europe has seen the writing on the wall. Car-be-ques will do that. And Afghanistan is as good a place as any to get back into fighting form.
And yup. The last thing we need is a reenactment of the Cold War with Islamofacism in the mix. Even Merkel can figure this out.
Georgia 'will join NATO'
And it looks like she has strong support among German voters
And the other European members of NATO can too.
"Alliance ministers had seemed split before the Brussels meeting, with Canada, the United States and several Eastern European states urging sanctions against Moscow, while France and Germany warned against aggravating their powerful neighbour.But you know, I kind of have to agree with Russia on this point, at least.
That division had all but disappeared yesterday, suggesting Russia may have overplayed its hand when it decided to keep soldiers on Georgian soil. French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner even warned that Europe might block Russia's bid for World Trade Organization membership, a status that Moscow craves."
"The view from Russia is that international law and international organizations such as NATO are transient phenomena of the late 20th century," said Timothy Garton Ash, professor of European Studies at Oxford University. "What really counts, as far as Moscow is concerned, is big, powerful states using their muscle with gas and tanks."Yup three. I would include the United Nations in that. The Cold War is back and we need new tools to fight it.
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