Sunday, August 03, 2008

Deadline's over. Yoohooo, anybody there?

Iran was given two weeks to respond. It's now been two weeks and one day. Now we have this: Merkel's green light for $157m gas deal with Iran torpedoes sanctions. Damn, I wonder what Merkel would do if she was in a majority government situation? Is she kowtowing to the other parties in the Bundestag, or is this what her own party really wants to do?

There's also some curious comings and goings involving Syria's Baby Assad. Tehran hosts Assad to celebrate winning nuclear dispute with West and cooling off US-Israel ties and this: Is Assad bluffing?

Is Bashir Assad coming in from the cold? Is he playing both sides? And what is the West going to do about it? Is it going to be entirely up to Israel?

Damn. I don't know which curse is worse, being so interested in international politics or not being a fly on the wall. Either way, it's driving me nuts.


Blogger GrEaT sAtAn'S gIrLfRiEnD said...

Bashar may have cut a deal to negotiate himself off the short list for the lo down ho down that may strike Persia and certain fanbois in Leb.

After the Axis of Evil's weaponizing seminar blew up in their face and Little Satan proved blinging for Commonwealth Air Defenseless Systems is totally retarded several things happened:

Imad Mugahniyah getting wacked on St V Day in downtown Damascus (amazing - right in the middle of a computerised police state), Hiz'B'Allah (the most proficient killers and serial tormentors of Americans til 911 time) all but took over Leb on behalf of Iran and recent rumours that Syria is buddying up with Alawite Lebs versus Hiz'B'Allah - plus Syria sucking up to France,Great Satan and Little Satan.

Somethings up no doubt!

August 03, 2008 10:45 am  

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