The War is Won
And as a nice side note, I sure hope the American voter remembers which party declared the war lost.
And speaking of winning and losing, Mohammed Fadhil, of ITM fame, has scored a big piece in the Wall Street Journal. What a great piece of writing about the Middle East and the world that looks on. You've come a long way, baby! I remember when your blog was new and you and your brothers were just testing your wings at this free speech thing. You've made it, my friend!! May the prize of freedom of expression never leave your grasp.
Best line from Mohammed's article, The Mideast Won't Change from Within:
"It is obvious that in the Middle East there's a real war raging between the supporters of extremism and totalitarianism and those of democracy and tolerance. The choice before the world is whether it will support one side by doing something, or the other by doing nothing."Funny, that just a few days ago, a Canadian left of centre journalist/blogger got a piece in the National Post that describes the fight against Islamism in Afghanistan as Our Generation's Spanish Civil War. I believe that is exactly Mohammed's point, too. Glad to see some people on the left actually get it.
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