
I'd been thinking all morning about just who is exposing Muslims to hatred. I was thinking that it's El Masry and his breed of fascists and their minions, that's who!! Or creeps who strap suicide vests onto mongoloid children and send them to be blown up in the name of Allah. Or people who fly airplanes into tall buildings and kill 3000 men and women, some of whom are Muslim. Or - most importantly - the legions of Muslims who lack the courage or the intellectual skill to understand that it is not those who point out these incorrigible behaviours who are creating a bad image. No, it is they who cannot or will not stand and be counted. It is they who close ranks and, by implication, support the rabid killers among their own co-religionists who expose Muslims to hatred.
No. When we see something akin to a million man march (a smaller scale would be fine) against this lunacy carried out in their name, then we may have presented to us a picture that convinces us that there are, after all, Muslims who will not take this sham any more.
I was thinking all morning that someone should take El Masry before one of the Human Rights Commissions (or several of them), but no. That would not be a wise move. It would only legitimize them and until they are reformed or disbanded, THAT MUST NOT HAPPEN!
Until then, Mr. Khurrum Awan must understand that he is attacking a principle that Canadians hold sacred and, by doing so, HE TOO is exposing Muslims to hatred.
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