Saturday, June 14, 2008

Election fever....

...hits Iraq. Talisman Gate describes the feverish flurry of parties and positioning taking place in Iraq as multitudes of political hopefuls begin organizing for the fall provincial elections. One small point being ignored is the fact that legislation governing the process for provincial elections hasn't even been passed yet, but don't let that stop anyone.

In Nibras's own words:
"..the key dynamic to watch is Islamist vs. Secular, with the seculars making some inroads.

With all that I know about Iraq, I still find this stuff confusing. However, there’s an exhilaration over the ‘newness’ of if all. These are real elections, with unknown answers that only the ballot boxes will reveal."
Nibras, by the way, has a pretty good track record for predicting outcomes in Iraq. So file this away for reference come October.

I note that former Canadian resident, Hussein Shahristani, (Minister of Oil) is running. Best of luck to him.


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