Sunday, May 25, 2008

Martyrs and Mental Illness

I've often wondered how the Islamic world handles mental illness or mental deficiency. It seems to me many of the folks promoting and arming, and actually volunteering for, the suicide bombing brigade may, in Western society, be prime candidates for the forensic unit of a mental hospital. Abominable sadism, this.

"MI5, is afraid that terrorists are recruiting mentally disturbed people as suicide bombers."
"the more serious concern is the implication that MI5 didn’t already know that mentally disturbed people have long been recruited as suicide bombers. If you talk to Iraq war veterans, you will hear no end of such stories. If we had better reporters in the field, we’d have learned long since that American troops have refrained from shooting people who approached them, when it looked like they were seriously disabled.

The exploitation of such people by the terrorists is one of the most disgusting and cynical aspects of the war, and says a lot about the kind of evil we are combating. I hope that our own domestic security people are paying attention."


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