Soldier's Dad has another
great post up about Iraq. "The jihadi's problem and the Jihadi's can see it, is that the Iraqi Army has been growing like compound interest....both qualitatively and quantitatively. Every day there are more of them that are better trained and have more experience than yesterday...maybe not at the leg breakers rate of 1% a day...but it has been more than 1,000 days since we started building the new Iraqi Army."
He links to a couple of postings by Nibras Kazimi at Talisman's Gate, of which
this one is the real kicker, in which Kazimi calls a posting by a certain Jihadist sympathizer's website
"..a stunning and unprecedented admission of defeat!"
Kasimi further summarizes the state of affairs for al-Qaeda in Iraq:
"Thus, not only is America defeating Al-Qaeda militarily in Iraq but it is also squashing the grand jihadist vision for a caliphate that the Islamic State of Iraq stood for. This point is critical: in this ideological war, victory can only come about when the ideology of the opponent is negated and proven unworkable. The fight in Iraq is doing just that.
I’m not saying that the jihadists won’t keep trying to find a workable formula for the caliphate elsewhere, but for now they have been dealt a severe demoralizing blow.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it all ye calling for a hasty withdrawal."
To that, I say, Amen and God Bless George Bush!! This war is not about oil, folks. It's about defeating the vicious ideology that was exposed in all its ugliness by the piercingly brilliant and searing light on 9/11.
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