Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Well There Goes Another of America's Alienated Friends

Italy: It's a landslide

"The big news is that the Communists are gone, for the first time since the end of the Second World War. Really gone."
"The Greens are also gone. In fact, there are only six parties in the new Parliament, suggesting that Italy's well on the road to a two-party political system instead of the dreadful proportional electoral model that has destroyed virtually every country where it's been applied."
"...a lot of the credit goes to Veltroni, who created a real center-left party and refused to admit the old Left."
(You hear that, Liberals? Quit yer slumming with the tired old NDP. But I digress.)
"And there's an even more annoying feature to these elections, as seen by the chattering classes: Berlusconi is an outspoken, even passionate admirer of George W. Bush and the United States of America. Reminds one of the elections that brought Sarkozy to the Elysee, doesn't it? Best to keep that quiet, or somebody might notice that hatred of America doesn't seem to affect the voters in Italy, France or Germany."
"At least Italy won't have to suffer with the likes of Massimo D'Alema any more. He's the former prime minister and recent foreign minister who proudly announced that major part of his time was devoted to protecting Iran from American pressure. He'll now spend more time on his proletarian yacht, usually based in Croatia..."


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