Putting Us Knuckle Draggers in Our Place
Paul Thompson from Canada writes: One more conservative politician, despite the crocodile tears, reveals himself to be a buffoon, but his base will love him for it.
The Bubble from Canada writes: It's the religious right. They're hiding back there and this is symptomatic of what they really want. There was someone in Canada who complained to their local library to remove a book that used the word 'homophobia'. The person said that the word 'homophobia' made them feel like they had a psychological problem.
G. Veneta from Calgary, Canada writes: The public has a right to know what true beliefs lie behind the veil or political 'face' our politicians wear. No doubt his 'base' will rejoice but hopefully the majority will see it for what it is. This was not a young man at the time but around 40. Sorry but one has had enough time to become a bigger person by then.
It is truly frightening to see the constituency that makes up this brew of reform/alliance/nuconservative politicians. Wait until they get a majority. They can barely hold back now.
The Oracle from Caiman Islands, Canada writes: Face it. This is reflective of 90% of the Con. Party!
Canadian woman from Calgary from Calgary, Canada writes: Once a bigot always a bigot, we don't need bigots in our government.
Sweet Pea from Vancouver, Canada writes: This really isn't surprising. Harper has worked hard to put a muzzle on all his little worker-bees to keep their racist and homophobic feelings under wraps, but eventually their true feelings are revealed. Sadly, Lukiwski's thoughts are typical of the Conservatives and I am embarrassed to have them leading our country....Let's hope they aren't in power for too much longer.
Richard Hawk from Canada writes: The sad thing is many conservatives agree with his comments. In fact they are quite typical of the party.
He needs to be thrown out immediately. We can't have people running our country who are hate-filled bigots. What an embaressment this is to the conservative party. To not throw him out would be equivalent to publically saying they agree with his views, which would be political suicide.
Nice stuff, no?
But I do like what this guy has to say:
Scott McLean from writes: My leader is a total looser, my party's policies are a throwback to Pierre in his hay-day, and each time I turn on the t.v someone else is leaving because of the personal disgrace associated with being a Liberal. I guess dragging Lukiwski's 16 year old comment around like a dead gopher on a string behind my bicycle is about the best I can do these halcyon days being a progressive.Now there's a Liberal I could learn to like.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed!
I still live in a space where I can choose what I like or dislike. I believe that there are varying degrees of like, dislike and hate.
Because of their activities and claims that they wish to destroy my civilization, I have learned to hate radical Islam. I am not alone in that.
However, I have gone from being ambivalent about the gay community to disliking them, not hating, just disliking them. That is because they are working hard not to destroy my civilization, but to make it so perverted that it will be unrecognizable from what we know about Sodom and Gommorah.
When a society no long can keep it their pants, that is to say, flaunt sexuality like it is the latest discovery that is to be adored by all, then we have lost our dignity as human beings. That is what I take from the Gay Pride Parades.
The gay life-style has become such a big deal in our society that to even criticize it is to be vilified and shunned if not charged with a hate crime.
When something cannot even be criticized it becomes like questioning Al Gore and David Suzuki regarding the destruction of western industry to please a bunch of pansies who want to live in the garden of eden funded by government largess extorted from tax-payers.
Government has never before been more at the center of our lives. What kind of lives can we possibly live with government mandate as our guide. Certainly not a free one.
All dots connect somewhere and we are more and more finding ourselves so caught up in that web of connections that we no longer know how to digest information as individuals. Perhaps there is just too much of it to deal with.
If feel like am being enslaved by a construct of the left who want to have everything in a neat box and to have all boxes the same size and of the same value. That is as imaginary as the role playing games kids are hooked into at this time in human history.
Humans are all much the same at heart, but have some very different views and desires. When left on our own we achieve a lot of things, some good, some bad.
The good has given us the high standard of living many of us enjoy, the bad has taken away much of the quality of life we used to enjoy in simpler times.
It is freedom that allows the good to happen. Freedom cannot be limited in anyway if we are to actualize and create.
It is distressing to see our government and media so preoccupied with playing the 'gotcha' game than doing something more constructive with their powers.
We are all paying a high price for the childish and slefish ways we are behaving as a society
Wow! Pretty sizzling rant there, John. Well done. Can't say I substantially disagree with anything you've said. I guess I'm just a bit more mellow.
But anyway, thanks for visiting. As you can see the traffic around here is very light. It's a quiet neighbourhood in a remote corner of the blogosphere.
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