Saturday, April 19, 2008

'Nuff Said

The Real Cuba

Caracas is more dangerous than Baghdad

"April 15 - During the last weekend, a total of 77 persons were murdered in Caracas.

From Friday to Saturday, 26 people were murdered; another 25 from Saturday to Sunday and 26 more from Sunday until Monday morning, which thank God signaled the end of the weekend and also the bloodshed.

This was just an average weekend. Nothing special was going on.

The population of Caracas is 4.7 million, including neighboring cities around the Capital District.

Venezuela is not at war. No one has invaded it. These are Venezuelans gangs and crooks killing innocent Venezuelans.

Baghdad has a population of 7 million, almost twice as many as Caracas. It is a nation at war.

Still, you have a better chance of surviving in Baghdad, than in Hugo Chavez's Caracas.

Why is there so much violence in an oil country when there should be enough money for everyone, now that the barrel of oil is selling for $113?

Because Chavez has not tried to eliminate the rampant poverty in the country; because he keeps spending billions of dollars to "defend" the country from an "imperialist" invasion that will never come, instead of training and arming a professional police force to deal with the violence and because the police is as corrupt as the rest of the government and participate in many of these murders themselves.

Welcome to the Socialism of the XXI Century."

h/t Gateway Pundit

Kinda reminds me of what another blogger had to say about his native Iran:

150 Years Under Putin

And this is what the anti-war folks consider to be peace.


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