Forgive me, Soldier's Dad...
"There are only two Utopian Paradises…one called Snafu and the other called Fubar. Only those living in Snafu argue over whether they are really living in Fubar. No Snafuian ever immigrates to Fubar…Fubarians do all they can to immigrate to Snafu."Note to the younguns who might be reading. Snafu is short for "Situation Normal - All Fucked Up", which means essentially things are normally all fucked up. There is no utopia. Fubar, on the other hand, is Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition, meaning a lot worse version of Snafu.
And to the lefties of what ever age who might be reading, in case you don't get the point, there are at least three, the first one of which has already been mentioned - there is no utopia. The others are:
1) people from all over the non-Western world clamour to reach Western shores, but not too many of us from the West are clamouring to reach all those lovely socialist dictatorships so many of you think are so abused and cheated by us Western meanies.
2) there is no perfectly planned and executed war. Iraq is no different than most wars of similar length, such as WWII, where these two acronyms originated.
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