Friday, April 25, 2008

Another View from Europe

Gates of Vienna features a guest article from the Briton, El Ingles. So many of the blogs from across the pond that I read are writing in a similar vein, but Ingles provides a brilliant synthesis of what is happening and what needs to happen and why it won't happen. I am really concerned about what is happening in Europe. Where is our modern day Charlemagne? We need him more today that ever before. Islamic fascism is on the rise and the European rulers seem to be capable only of appeasement. El Ingles links to another entry of his published last fall. It's also worth a read.

Interested in European blogs that focus on the same issue? Try Barce Pundit (the English version) by a Spanish blogger; Down East Blog, the infamous Belgian who frequently calls himself the Outlaw; No Pasaran, from France; Free Thoughts from Italy (warning: she has some lovely but nonetheless annoying music that plays on her site, which is distracting if all you want to do is read) and Davids Medienkritik from Germany. Free Thoughts has a long list of blogs from all over the Western blogosphere. Some day I'm going to check out a few of the ones I've never visited. Ahh. So many blogs. So little time.

In the meantime, I hope Europe snaps out it soon. It's sad to see a great civilization, whose ascendancy defined the second millennium, now paralyzed by its own political correctness induced denial. Some day I'll write more about that phenomenon.


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