Friday, March 28, 2008


UPDATE II: It seems Islamists may finally be getting the point. In reacting to Fitna, they are counselling their people to remain calm instead of going on the usual proving-the-point violent rampage. Reacting to accusations that Islam is a violent ideology by committing violence just doesn't do that much to dispell the idea. Most of us assume that that's a DUH!! but for some it has been somewhat difficult to connect those dots. Is it finally sinking in? I guess the fact that they are saying they could use the film says something else, doesn't it.

UPDATE: Geert Wilder's Party website has the film. God Bless the Dutch!!!


That's what the word Islam means. It seems that it's working out well for old Mo. Dutch MP Geert Wilders film Fitna has been yanked by Liveleak, citing threats to their staff.

h/t The Spirit of Man

Hot Air has more

Apostate threatened

God help us.


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