SDA and the March of the Lemmings
All ya gotta do is google the terms "small dead animals" and you'll come up with all kinds of fantastic references to this giant blog. This one is a gem (emphasis mine):
"Three weeks ago, Newsosaur’s admittedly modest traffic spiked to an all-time daily high of more than 1,000 visits as the result of this link from a blog called, I kid you not, Small Dead Animals.Lance must be right. Penis envy.
Two weeks ago, by contrast, Forbes and Business Week each quoted Newsosaur on their websites, and those links resulted in a single, solitary hit from a Business Week reader.
So, there you have it: Small Dead Animals top Large Ones by 1,000 to 1.
One event, of course, doesn’t prove much. But here’s what happened next:
Newsosaur’s comments last week on the silliness of news helicopters and the likelihood of Rupert Murdoch behaving himself attracted not only a new link from Small Dead Animals but also links from such Large Ones as the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the Chicago Tribune, the San Francisco Chronicle and the Philadelphia Daily News.
Once again, the traffic generated by Small Dead Animals overwhelmed by a substantial margin the combined (but still gratefully appreciated) referrals from the Large Ones."
haha so true. you should see all the leftys that that talk about how evil SDA is. I get a kick out of these guys. (ie Leftdog and Sean)
I must bathe. I seem to be attracting flies - er - pompous, self-righteous asses who think they have a monopoly on truth and virtue.
Did I ever call SDA evil? try not to fabricate things huffb1. What I have said is that the level of discourse from that sight is pretty low, and the posts are misleading if not downright false.
To suggest that the quality of a blog is based solely on its traffic is weak at best. However, there is no denying the effect that SDA has on the blogging community in general. Its just unfortunate that the level of debate is non-existent and any comments to the prevailing assumptions of the owner are dealt with in such a childish manner.
Just like your own writing on your blog, right Sean? My dear boy, if you had an ounce of honesty in your twisted soul, you would admit that a large percentage of blogs both left and right that allow unmoderated comments deliver very little in the way of decorum or any attention to accuracy. It's part of the fun of blogging.
I have noticed, however, that the leftosphere seems much more inclined to getting all huffy and incensed when the right does the same thing they do. That just goes with the territory of being morally superior (ie. a leftist). And you know I caught you once in that esteemed position of being a hypocrite in a post you yourself put onto SDA.
And to argue that a blog's traffic is a weak measure of its quality is a fools argument. You may think that your blog is quality product. I don't and that's why I hardly ever comment on it and I've noticed hardly anyone else does, either.
I go to blogs that get humongous numbers of comments because there's so much to be learned from what others have to say and, especially from the links they provide, and so much to debate. SDA readers are pretty damned good in that department. There's lots to argue about and no one holds back. Almost all points of view are allowed. And to me, that's is a measure of quality no less important than any other criteria you may decide should be used to judge a blog.
Well, according to the "penis length" argument, CBC is far more significant an online source of information than SDA ever will/can/has been. Add to that that Yarn Harlot is more popular, and we could as well say that SDA is less important than knowing how to knit.
Instead of assuming condemnations all have to do with jealousy, consider for a moment that most of those accused would recoil in physical horror at having their good names tainted by the suggestion that they aspire to Kate's particular branch of politics or readership.
We know that Saskboy. That's why we laugh at you. Your animated theatrics are as amusing as they are self-righteous. Remember my comment a day or two ago about scenes from the Exorcist. That's what you remind me of. It's sanctimonious, almost priggish.
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