Saturday, March 01, 2008

No Idea: Media Stupidity Again!

Stupid media, like the New York Slimes, for example, have been responsible for fueling hope among Islamofascists and other 'slodydopes and, I would argue, are complicit in the murder thousands of innocents in Iraq over the past several years. They were the cheer leaders inspiring the continuation with abandon of senseless slaughter by bolstering the "pull out now" cult in the US and Great Britain.

Now we have the Australian magazine New Idea firing the first salvo which has effectly singled out young Prince Harry and made him a marked man. He'll never be safe again. This magazine should be made to pay for its wreckless endangerment of this young man's life. And it's not just the Prince whose life has been put at risk, as the decision to withdraw him from Afghanistan attests. The comrades he leaves behind would also have been targets had he stayed.

Ironically, the stupid media is providing more evidence of its stupidity by blaming The Drudge Report for breaking the story. Drudge does not break stories. He merely links to them. This, of course, does not let him off the hook for helping to make Harry a marked man. But in those parts of the Northern Hemisphere where freedom of speech is allowed, few seem to realize that it was the Aussie mag that was first past the sleeze post. In any case, I say let him get a good drubbing. He deserves it.

I wanted to find an email address for New Idea but their website did not have one on it, that I could see, so....thanks to the beauty of the blogosphere, I fired off an email to an Aussie friend whose acquaintance I made by virtue of our both being regular commentors on a couple of Iraq related blogs. He calls himself Nailgun. I asked him if he would be able to find an email address for the magazine so I could post it on several blogs, including mine, and thus enable the magazine to receive some nasty comeuppances from the top of the planet. Here's part of his reply:

"Louise - You'll be relieved to learn that apparently their site was swamped with angry commentors but you'll be frustrated they have quickly pulled the comments down so you may be too late to "let 'em have it". There could be hell to pay internally as their owner is an Aussie billionaire who very quietly always donates the money to ensure any Victoria's Cross's being sold by families stay in Australia.

The magazine is called "New idea" but it's colloquial name is "No idea" and boy have they earned it this time.

They are hiding behind the excuse of they were unaware of any media embargo. So they essentially are saying they are unable to think for themselves on this matter and are apparently completely unaware of the media furore centring around Prince Harry's attempts to serve in Iraq."

One of the saddest parts of this is Prince Harry's own statement, as quoted on BBC's website:
"I don't want to sit around Windsor, because I generally don't like England that much and it's nice to be away from all the press and the papers."
The paparazzi has no limits to their "Royals" gossip mongering. His mother was literally hounded to death by them and the kid is constantly in the public eye. His mission to Afghanistan allowed him to be a normal young man in the company of other normal young men, serving their country, proving themselves capable of bravery and committment to a cause far beyond the call and obligations of royal duty. As with his father, I've often sensed he would have preferred to be a commoner. The possibility of him leading an ordinary life is now even more remote.

By the way, doesn't that New Idea mag look like our North American common variety gossip magazine whose best efforts involve putting Paris Hilton or Britney Spears on the cover and every second page. Its subtitle should be Nothing Between the Ears.


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