Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mucky Turns Tail and Runs? Oh Really?

UPDATE III: About that Arab League Summit, Iraq Refuses to Endorse Summit Statement
DAMASCUS, Syria -- "Iraq refused to endorse the final declaration of the Arab summit on Sunday because it did not condemn terrorism in the country, a divisive end to a gathering marred by disputes and boycotts."
This organization is such a farce. Every time they meet, they spend a few days fighting and bickering and posturing, then they issue stupid statements, and that's about the sum total of their accomplishments. So much for the Arab unity they claim to be seeking. Some day, the Arab world will shake off these idiots for good and re-enter the civilized world. I hope to see it before I kick the bucket.

UPDATE II: Iraq the Model provides more perspective. I'm so glad the brothers have started blogging again. And there's a great roundup at Iraqi Bloggers Central.

UPDATE: Mahdi Army taking significant casualties in Baghdad, South

Al-Sadr orders fighters to stop attacks

Well, it looks like he's taking a licking, anyway. I hope this isn't just the fat boy calling "hudna".
Al Sadr Offers Surrender for Amnesty Disavows Own Fighters. Ever heard of the Arabic word "hudna". This positively reeks of hudna. I wouldn't give his surrender bit one iota of credence. He's not in charge and never has been. He has been used as a tool by Shiite militias since the beginning. Time to crush him and leave a big grease spot. I might turn into oil someday.


Blogger Jeha said...

Oh, come on...

Where would literature be without the Arab summit's vapid statements? Students need an example of how not to write, after all.

In any case, it just started raining, but one recovering from a heatstroke should not mind.

April 05, 2008 6:31 am  
Blogger Louise said...

Where is it raining? Send some this way, please.

April 05, 2008 8:29 am  

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