Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Iraqi Blogs - THE Source for Real News

It's been a while since I visited my favorite Iraqi blogs. Here's one that's brand new. HT to Christine at Search. Obama Does Not Get It. As far as the American primaries are concerned, I've been an "anybody but Hillary" person, but this guy makes a convincing argument that Clinton would be a better choice than Obama. Like him, I also believe McCain is the only one who will do the right thing for Iraq. His February 28th entry is a winner, too. He rubs the nose of a Bushitler spewing guy named Dave in his own shit.

And speaking of doing the right thing for Iraq, Talisman Gate has a great entry about the Iraqi armed forces and the nest of Iranian supported criminal and Islamofascist activity that has taken control of the southern port city of Basra. The Iraqis are about to kick ass without any American support. Bush's end goal sounds like it's very near. More importantly, Maliki is playing his hand and looking like his bold move may strengthen his Prime Ministership with the end result being that a new, stronger, more functional coalition may emerge in Iraq's parliament. Yeeeehaaaaaaw!!!

Operation Cavalry Charge
"If he (Maliki) wins—and I predict that he will—then he’s holding on to the prime minister’s seat from here until the 2010 elections. That will be the new political reality (…there are other factors favoring his continued candidacy for the job) that all the other political actors in Baghdad must acknowledge and acquiesce to. In effect, Operation Cavalry Charge will also speed up the formation of a new, more agile coalition cabinet and override the current state of political paralysis because any fantasies of removing Maliki would be laid to rest."
"Maliki decided that he doesn’t give a damn about US presidential elections and that the only timeline that concern him are Iraq’s own upcoming elections. Maliki also concluded, from intensive intelligence reporting, that the Sadrists are weak and that Iran doesn’t really have much punch to its supposed influence in Iraq. That’s why he decided to go for it."
And look what he has to say about the Sadrists!!
"This is the weakest that the Sadrist movement has ever been: they are divided, their leader is absent, some answer to Iran, and affluence has made them slothful and soft. Sadrist leaders today are bejeweled with agate rings, Rolexes and precious worry beads, and sport Turkish-tailored suits. They ride around in the latest-model armored SUVs and have taken their second (…and third, and fourth, and…) wives—in some cases the ultimate Iraqi Shia male status symbol, a Lebanese Shia trophy wife. They have access, through the ministries and governmental departments that they landed in the coalition cabinet, to lucrative contracts with unlimited avenues for corruption of all kinds. These were the same angry, dejected men that one would meet in 2003 wearing polyester dishdashas with sweat-stained towels around their necks. Nowadays, they have plenty more to loose should the all-powerful, all-munificent state turn against them."
According to the Talisman, the recent mortar rounds landing in the Green Zone are from this group and he predicts they are about to be decimated. If the Talisman's prognostication record in the past mean's anything, this is really, really good news. But the whole story is a bit more complicated than that. Read the whole thing...

And one more thing. Don't ever, ever believe anything the MSM tells you about Iraq. They always get it wrong. On the other hand, Talisman Gate nearly always gets it right.

PS: Note the little tidbit from Brianfh in the comments. Also very good news. (Yeah, Bush!!)


Blogger Christine said...

Thanks Louise. Please come back and post, it's getting lonely over there. : )

March 29, 2008 6:23 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

So many blogs. So little time.

March 29, 2008 6:55 pm  

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