Is it just me, or do these lefties (eg. Saskboy) have severe reading comprehension disorders?
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." * Martin Luther King Jr. // * "There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them." * George Orwell // Want to contact the Stubble Jumping Redneck? Shoot her an email @ oldweesie@sasktel.net
It's just you.
Okay. Then it must be selective dyslexia - picking out only those passages that lend themselves to your leftie spin and ignoring the full meaning and intent of the whole post.
Here you go, sweetheart. The true meaning of SDA's post which you and legions of other half-literates failed to grasp or chose to pretend to ignore. Take your pick.
And when you've finished reading this, why not enrole in a few 20th century history courses.
Don't worry about it Louise. Without Kate the left-o-sphere would be down to two posts a day.
Her blog is so far above everyone else that the left-o-sphere has to do something to rebuild the shattered egos. It must be a penis thing.
She kicks their asses day in and out with numbers of commentors, variety of commentors, and numbers of visits a day.
[sarc]It could never be that her writing style resonates with the vast majority of Canadian blog surfers. NEVER! Liberalism is normal! Canadians hate that radical conservative Neanderthal crap.[/sarc]
Not a single champion offered up by the left to take on Kate has won. Not a single one.
Do what Kate does, shrug it off, it's just mosquitoes on a mammoth.
I know, Lance. It just amazes me that the true nature of liberal-think has come to the surface now that the Liberal Party has been put in its proper place. There doesn't seem to be anyone left on that side of the spectrum with the capacity to read or understand complex sentences let alone complex arguments, not to mention think great thoughts. The more they howl and writhe the happier I am. It conjures up an image worthy of a scene in the movie The Exocist.
Will the anonymous poster who just attempted to say something witty about Starbucks and gay friends please try again using an identifiable name. Your post didn't make much sense, so perhaps that's why you preferred to be an annoying mouse.
It's not a matter of "winning". But when it comes to crap titles and blog posts like the ones I mentioned, there are certainly losers out there, and it isn't typically the "leftosphere". There's 'being clever', and then there's dreck, and SDA has crossed the line 4 times by my count in the last half year, and I don't even visit it more than once a month now to check.
Crossing what line? The tightly spaced line of political correctness? Yup. Liberal-think is cracking up and falling apart. Too bad. So sad.
"Crossing what line?"
Decency, and respect for fellow human beings. It's not just my line, most Canadians (and most bloggers) feel the same way.
I'm not saying she needs to be run out of town. I just think there's either some burnout in effect lately, or some previously concealed agenda is slipping through her otherwise tightly managed online persona.
"Most Canadians"? Give me a break. How do you know that!!
I think Lance is right. This is just jealousy. Someone whose ideas are different from yours is so much more popular than you. Oh the humanity.
You can take that back. I'm not jealous of that kind of writing. It doesn't matter how clever it may be done, but the message is vile and destructive and indicative of a lot of underlying negativity toward innocent people. If most Canadians don't feel the same way as I do, then I think our country is in a great deal of trouble. Our overwhelmingly peaceful lifestyle over the last 60 years, and our defence of the innocent around the world before even that long ago, is what indicates most Canadians feel as I do.
Lance is (as usual) out to lunch on his observations, as are you, Louise. It must be a common theme amongst Saskatchewan right-wing bloggers to be more off their rockers then the typical right-wing blogger.
I can't speak for others, but I'm certainly not jealous of her blogging - but I do readily admit to loathing it, and if she were to be taken off line for the spittle she flings around on-line, I'll be one of the first to celebrate.
Notice how Scott and Saskboy conspicuously ignore being jealous of her 'popularity' and focus on denying being jealous of her blogging?
Just so.
Notice Scott fantasizes about someone taking her off-line, too. Dreaming of censorship, those boys on the left. Oh please, please, please, bring back the days when all information and ideas were filtered through the lens of the left leaning MSM and university campuses. I haven't read Liberal Fascism yet, but I suspect there is something to it.
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