Friday, March 28, 2008

Battle of Basra

Pat Dollard is all over it.

U.S. Begins Bombing, Rocketing, And Gatling Gunning The Shit Out Of Basra

Al Sadr Denies Mahdi Army Ordered to Surrender

“Uncharacteristic Daring”: Maliki Faces Pivotal Moment

Full War With Al Sadr Is On

Major news organizations are describing the battle as pivotal
and as a defining moment.

With some, of course, predicting the obligatory doom and gloom on the US domestic front and for the Brit's troop withdrawal.

After nearly two months of silence, the Fadhil brothers at Iraq the Model weigh in with their usual insightful take.

And as usual, I await Soldier's Dad's sage analysis. So far there's only one comment on a thread of a previously posted article it's a goody:

As far as I can tell, Maliki sent the most battle hardened troops he has to Basra..initial reports would indicate they are achieving something in the neighborhood of a 20-1 kill ratio.

This isn't the first time that AlReuters has described a 20-1 Kill ratio as a defeat. Personnally, I call it kicking ass.
Soldier's Dad | 03.28.08 - 1:48 pm |


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