Rule Britannia Daneland!!
Danish Papers Reprint Prophet Mohammed cartoon
"Newspapers in Denmark Wednesday reprinted the controversial cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed that sparked worldwide protests two years ago.The cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed provoked widespread outrage in the Muslim world two years ago.The move came one day after Danish authorities arrested three people who allegedly were plotting a "terror-related assassination" of Kurt Westergaard, one of the cartoonist behind the drawings."
Berlingske Tidende, one of the newspapers involved in the republication, said: "We are doing this to document what is at stake in this case, and to unambiguously back and support the freedom of speech that we as a newspaper always will defend..."
This was done in response to the arrest of two Islamists plotting to murder the publisher of the cartoons. Can we see papers all over the Western world stand up and unite behind these lions among men?
> Let's see a wave, please. One that will wash over North America as well.
Well, I predict you won't see it at Borders-owned bookstores (i.e., B.Dalton Booksellers, either)...
They specifically did NOT sell a mag which which had those reprinted in them here in the USA back when the furor was full-on. "To protect the customers", donchaknow?
...Haven't spent a dime in their stores, since, and won't anytime in the forseeable future, either. Betcha they've got books and books on artwork which Xtians find offensive, but oh, no, let's not stock something insulting to Islam.
obloodyhell, if you have heard anything about our current furror over the freedom of expression, you might be pleased to know that one of the men whose thoughts were made subject to the judgment of PC police has decided to fight back with a vengeance and is gaining support from all over the place and from all points along the political spectrum. Islamists 0 Freedom of Expression 1 (so far) and it's promising to get even better.
If you want to watch it unfold bookmark this website: Ezra Levant Ezra is a lawyer and he ain't going slink away without a damned good fight in a real court of law.
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