Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Princess Diana's Death

I presume you have been hearing all about Mr. Fayed's conspiracy theory. What do y'all think? Is this just another Arab conspiracy theory? The Arabs are renowned conspiracy theorists. That's what it looks like to me. Perhaps Mr. Fayed lives in the A.P.U.

The Arab Parallel Universe was first described by the Egyptian Sandmonkey, although his original post seems to be inaccessible now. Good thing Jeffrey at Iraqi Bloggers Central copied it a posted it in his January 6, 2005 post.

I'll repost it here:

"Professor Sandmonkey announced today that within two weeks there will be an IPO for shares of his new company, MonkeyVision. MonkeyVision Goggles allow its user to see into and through the Arab Parallel Universe!

So, in summary and conclusion, the 7 political rules of the APU are:

1) Arabs never make mistakes, and they rarely lose wars.
2) The Zionists and the Americans are always to blame for everything that is wrong in the APU.
3) If there is any credit at all that can be contributed to Arabs in any way, they will take it.
4) Good leadership is inversely related to how US-friendly a leader is!
5) Any media that is not the official state-owned media is filled with Zionist, Jewish, American, Christian, imperialist, anti-arab influences and they LIE ALL THE TIME!
6) There is really no need for elections in the APU, because Presidents and rulers are presidents and rulers for life.
7) The only viable alternative candidate to the current leader or president is this current leader or president’s son.

Hope that helped explain some of the confusing discrepancies that you may encounter from having those 2 parallel universes existing in the same reality. Mind you, those are only the political rules. There are other rules concerning economics , social traditions and norms, but those will be covered in future posts.

This is the Sandmonkey, from the APU, signing off! "


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