Saturday, February 02, 2008

Let's make this very clear..

The following is a series of MUST READS, especially for those who still harbour the notion that there is no threat.

First is The Candidate Who Can See the Enemy, Can Defeat It, by Walid Phares, who should know of which he speaks (emphasis added):
"Al Qaeda got beaten badly in the Sunni Triangle and in Somalia but a younger generation of Jihadists is being put into battle across the region. Not one single Sunni country will escape the rise of Salafi Terror in the next US Presidential term. Iran’s regime is speeding up its strategic armament, testing American resolve when possible; Syria is surviving its isolation and bleeding our allies in Iraq and Lebanon; Hezbollah is about to seize Lebanon; Hamas has seized Gaza; Turkey’s Islamists are reversing secularism; and Pakistan’s Jihadists are eying the nuclear missiles. But worse, three generations of Jihadists have penetrated the social and defense layers of Western Europe and the United States. In few years from now, the next President may have to witness European cities burned by urban warfare in his (or her) first term, and could be forced to arm the doom day devices for the first time in this century by the following Presidential term. These images from a not so distant future may become the reality to face the leaders we will select in the primaries and the one who will be sitting in the oval office next January."

"President Bush was elected before 9/11 neither on the grounds of avoiding the Jihadi wars nor winning them. Very few even knew that we were already at war. He was reelected on the ground of being a better choice than the defeatist political alternative. This year I suggest that Americans deserve a more daring choice. They need to see and certify that the next occupant of the White House lives on this Planet, at this age, knows that we are at war and above all knows which war we are fighting. The margin of error is too slim to allow hesitations."
But don't stop there. Read First they came for the gays, by Bruce Bawer.

"Sharia law may still be an alien concept to some Westerners"
"But it’s staring gay Europeans right in the face — and pointing toward a chilling future for all free people."

Then try this: I saw the suicide bomber and she was begging

"She", of course, was one of the adult Downs Syndrome women who had suicide vests strapped to them and were sent into a crowded pet market in Baghdad, where one could expect there to be many innocent children shopping with their families.

"It appears the suicide bombers were not willing martyrs, they were used by al-Qaida for these horrific attacks,” he said. “These two women were likely used because they didn’t understand what was happening and they were less likely to be searched".
And in case you are still in denial, let me point out that this is not the first time Islamofascist have used innocent mentally handicapped or otherwise helpless and needy persons as carriers for their weapons against innocent Muslim women and children.

And finally, this: Female Muslim medics 'disobey hygiene rules'
"Muslim medical students are refusing to obey hygiene rules brought in to stop the spread of deadly superbugs, because they say it is against their religion.

Women training in several hospitals in England have raised objections to removing their arm coverings in theatre and to rolling up their sleeves when washing their hands, because it is regarded as immodest in Islam."
And just how much further are we expected to go to accommodate the Religion of Peace. No one is forcing these women to become doctors. Will they refuse to perform pelvic examinations or examinations for prostate or testicular cancer, too? Will they cry foul if a Brit refuses to be treated by them for fear of picking up some contagion carried forward from the last patient these doctors treated? Will the legions of fools on the left come to their defense, if that happens?

The women in question have a choice. There are plenty of honorable professions they can enter that do not require baring the forearms and thoroughly washing them, but thank you very much, I want my physicians to be well acquainted and fully compliant with hygenic procedures, not only for my own sake but for the sake of every citizen who may be within reach of whatever epidemic may ensue should health care professionals wantonly abandon these essential public health measures.

The deniers believe that we cannot differentiate between Muslims in order to point out those among them that are posing a life and death danger to our way of life, as if all Muslims are of one mind and none are worthy of protection against their own miscreants.

This blind belief that there is a Muslim monolith is the flip side of the same coin about which Walid Phares speaks. There is an enemy encroaching and those in their ranks who would deign to use poor Downs Syndrome women for their nepharious purposes have their counterpart in the West. Those of you whose sensibilities have been anethesized by political correctness, who have deified multi-culturalism are, shall we say, akin to the mentally challenged (my apologies to persons with Downs Syndrome, as it is they who should be insulted by this slur against their character).

If you persistenly rant and rail against the treatment of gay people in the West, yet ignore their brutal oppression at the hands of Islamic extremists; if you suggest that public health and safety measures be abandoned so as not to offend some supposedly pious Muslim women, then there is only one other thing to call you and that is - complicit. The disease is already spreading. May it mow you down before it becomes a pandemic.


Blogger huffb1 said...

I heard story about the woman with Downs Syndrome being suicide bombers. Sad indeed.

February 03, 2008 5:13 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walid Phares is right. We need to have a President who know what the threat is and doesn't rely on some Saudi paid experts to tell that President who the Terrorist are and what we can and can't do. Knoewledge is freedom. I feel Romney has a great knowledge about the Jihadists. McCain doesn't seem to know who precisely the enemy is. Clinton doesn't want to fight them. Obama sounds like he wants to cozy up to them. Romney is my choice.

February 03, 2008 6:12 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Welcome to my blog, George. I've been watching the primaries from a distance, and it all seems as clear as mud. The only thing I know for sure is anybody but the Democrats. If I was an American I would be paying close attention to who, among all the candidates, seems to understand the Islamist threat the best. I was pulling for either Giuliani or Romney, so now I guess it's just Romney, but I don't know much about him and this stand on this particular issue. Good luck in choosing the right man.

I'd be interested in hearing what you think of McCain and his chances. I've heard a lot of criticism over the net about his age and his temper.

February 03, 2008 6:36 pm  

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