Ezra Levant: Beating Back the PC Machine
Ezra now has a fire in his belly and he intends to take matters into the real legal system rather than the kangaroo courts known as human rights commissions. He has made a plea for donations to help with the fight ahead. I've made a hefty (relatively speaking) contribution, and although I would dearly love to contribute more, I simply can't afford to. Our freedom of expression, a right that we should all cherish and be willing to defend, no matter what our political views, is at stake. Please consider making a contribution via paypal. It is entirely safe.
If a donation is out of the question, please at least spread the word and direct the people you know to his website in order to learn what is at stake.
I gave, and I feel like a new man!
oops I didn't see the approval notce sorry!
Can you explain why Leftdog is ranting about this for? I just don't under stand what his problem is.
BCF, you can post here anytime. I haven't blocked anyone from posting yet, but that may be cause I get soooo many readers I can't keep up. LOL!! Seriously, the only folks so far who are in danger of being blocked are those that refuse to give themselves a name. You know. The ubiquitous annoying mouse
Huff, I haven't read leftdog. I normally stay clear of idiots like him. Life is too short, at my age anyway. About the only thing I can suggest is that the left has spent decades building all kinds of ludicrous, rigid stereotypes about the right and it just irks them no end that someone from right would actually defend the human right to freedom of expression. Their ideology is "freedom to express views that I agree with, period." I think they sense they are losing ground and the fascade they have been building all these years is crumbling around them.
And another thing, Huff, I left a message on some other blog today (I don't remember which one it was, and I probably won't go there again cause it was one of those following links from links from links kind of hit - God knows where I started or where I ended.) but I likened the hysteria currently blowing in from the left to a balloon that had been poked and was zooming around the room in an eratic and berserk trajectory. That seems to me what's happening with the diehard leftists. The only thing left in them as their ideology crumbles is stale air and rude noises. They would rather lose their freedom of express than support someone like Ezra Levant, who you may know, was a strong supporter of the Reform Party in its hayday.
Good point Louise.
Another point. (I can't stop myself ;)) Some folks may live many decades and still not develop any intellectual depth. Leftdog is one of those, I suspect. His blog appears to me to little more than a collection of worn out cliches. It's just kneejerk anti-everything that the leftist speaking notes tell him to be against.
I find most folks who are still of that political persuasion are like that. People who can think for themselves don't stay with the left for very long, especially if they have access to a wide variety of points of view. Thank goodness the internet and the blogosphere have made exposure to different ideas easier than ever before. That's one of the reasons the old left leaning media is sinking into oblivion. Now I'm getting close to a rant about the CBC, so I'll stop.
Canada's HRCs and its broad section 13(1) law is highly dangerous to their democracy. Thanks to Ezra and friends, I think they are beginning to recognize it.
It looks like it may be just in time. As a US citizen, I hope it is, and I am helping Ezra with donations as well because this is so serious a problem to all Western Democracies if it is not stopped in Canada.
Thank you so much, Jim. A agree with wholeheartedly that this isn't just a Canadian issue. Political correctness has run amok all over the Western world and it's high time we reined it in. I hope you will spread the word in the US. I think Ezra's fight, which will be costly to him, will of benefit to Americans as well.
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