Saturday, January 12, 2008

An Important Message Worth Repeating

Speaking of Dr. Ehernfeld's message and of lawsuits, Canadian Ezra Levant gave a powerful opening statement before the Alberta Human Rights Commission on Friday.

Levant is being brought before the tribunal for the sin of exercising his right to freedom of expression by reproducing the Mohammed cartoons published by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten a couple of years ago. Godspeed to him. I don't often agree with Levant. In fact I find him to be more than mildly annoying, but if Canada cannot uphold his freedom from this kind of frightening persecution and denial of such a precious and necessary right, then I have to believe that they are also after me and any and every other Canadian citizen. There is nothing stopping them. And that's the point. The state should defend its people against this sort of persecution. Not the other way around. WAKE. UP. CANADA.

Read it here.

More commentary here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Canada: Freedom of Speech succumbing to Kangaroo Courts of the Human Rights Commission

Proceedings against Ezra Levant are nothing short of ridiculous, but let's consider the implications for moderate Muslims. This "investigation" will further divide Muslims and non-Muslims in Canada. It will give credence to radicals' claims that the West is at war with Islam. It will antagonize non-Muslims and moderate Muslims will be pushed towards radicalization. Regardless of the outcome, once again Islamists skillfully manipulated Dhimmi justice system and came out as clear winners. Thank you, Human Right Commission!

January 13, 2008 10:09 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

This "investigation" will further divide Muslims and non-Muslims in Canada.

Sorry MAS, but I profoundly disagree. IF, and that's a big if, non-Muslims and Muslims are divided, it is very likely because of people like the complainant. Ezra Levant, for all his faults, has stood up to the extremists who want to silence all critics. That hardly puts them (the critics) into a "clear winner" category.

This is one thing that the moderate Muslims need to learn and learn fast. You have to stand up to your own, first by developing some courage and then by becoming very vocal about it (ie.) not hiding behind an anonymous name. Non-Muslims have waited long enough. Supporting those from among the non-Muslim community who challenge the radicals is the very least you can do.

Your silence is deafening and you can hardly expect non-Muslims to believe there are moderates when you cower behind anonymity. We will defend our freedoms and the more Zuhdi Jasser and Ayaan Ali Hirsi's there are, the better off you will be. It doesn't take much "skill" to beat cowering people into submission.

After taking off the mask of anonymity, one of the first things you can do is openly challenge the notion that standing up for freedom of expression is being at war with Islam, UNLESS Islam is fundamentally opposed to freedom of expression. If that is the case, then non-Muslims must fight it wherever they find it and if that happens to be in their own back yard, then so be it.

January 14, 2008 7:15 am  
Blogger Louise said...

Oops. Should be: That hardly puts them (extremists) into a "clear winner" category.

January 14, 2008 7:46 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"IF, and that's a big if, non-Muslims and Muslims are divided, it is very likely because of people like the complainant."

First, that not a big if, that an almost certainty.
Second, we do not blame Ezra for this. We blame HRC and the complainant.

"You have to stand up to your own, first by developing some courage and then by becoming very vocal about it (ie.) not hiding behind an anonymous name."

It's easy for you to say, but most of us have families and kids. We have to consider the fact that a third of our co-religionists want us dead.

"Supporting those from among the non-Muslim community who challenge the radicals is the very least you can do."

Isn't that what we are doing all the time?

"We will defend our freedoms and the more Zuhdi Jasser and Ayaan Ali Hirsi's there are, the better off you will be."

We greatly admire both Zuhdi and Ayaan, but there are not so many people who have enough balls.

January 14, 2008 11:23 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That hardly puts them (extremists) into a "clear winner" category."

Yes, it does. They've manipulated Canadian legal system to the point that the next person who want to criticize Islam will think twice before doing that. Achieving a chilling effect on Free Speech is a clear victory for Islamists.

January 14, 2008 11:26 am  
Blogger Louise said...

Sorry, MAS, but in my opinion, this case did just the opposite. Through the actions of Ezra Levant, it has awakened a giant which will not quietly go away. Even if the AHRC rules against the complainant, the entire world has been put on notice. Western civilization is pushing back. If mainstream Muslims cannot "develop some balls" in this climate, then we will do it for you and don't be surprised if those among your group who may silently support the push back get swept away. That is what happens to people who have spent their lives cowering. Someone needs to bring more of you together where you can feed on each others courage and develop the strength to beat the scourge that is swallowing your own community.

January 18, 2008 8:07 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"it has awakened a giant which will not quietly go away."

We pray to Allah that you're right. We do as much as we can to make it true.

January 18, 2008 5:20 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

MAS, please read this blog entry and look at the list below it of bloggers from far and wide who are reacting to this. You'll see what I mean by an awakening giant.

While you're at it, take a look at the comment from dcat on my blog entry Losers.

I know dcat. She has a problem with all Muslims. She's swallowed the message that Islamofascists have created about their fellow Muslims. She has a blog called Razor Sharp Claws. If the message from MAS that she copied as pasted into her comment on my blog is the way members of your group respond to people who have accepted the Islamofascist portrayal of Muslims, then you have a very serious problem.

You need to train your members in how to deal with this sort of mind set without going bezerk. Study the methods of Martin Luther King Junior. You cannot garner support if this is how you respond, even if the person you are responding to is a lost cause.

Being respectful at all times is an absolute must if you expect to gain support from folks like me. Understand that until now, it is the Islamofascists who have spoken for you (with the cooperation of the main stream media which survives on negativity) and the image so portrayed is extremely ugly. In this context, it is quite understandable how people like dcat come to hold the views she holds, but your response must be the polar opposite of that, otherwise your cause will not get very far and your statement "We do as much as we can to make it true" rings hollow.

January 18, 2008 6:31 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


“read this blog entry and look at the list below it of bloggers from far and wide who are reacting to this.”

It looks nice today, but in a few weeks the noise will subside and Ezra will be left with a bunch of legal bills in the best-case scenario. We’ve been following a similar case of Rachel Ehrenfeld and long-term results are not optimistic.

“If the message from MAS that she copied as pasted into her comment on my blog is the way members of your group respond to people who have accepted the Islamofascist portrayal of Muslims, then you have a very serious problem.”

The message does not look good. However, I saw some of dcat’s postings and this message is nothing in comparison to dcat’s vitriol. And on top of that, I wouldn’t put it beyond dcat to modify the original message.

“You cannot garner support if this is how you respond, even if the person you are responding to is a lost cause.”

I could not agree more. However, we had quite a few instances when people “quote” us or make baseless assumptions and then proceed to blame us for those “quotes” and “facts”.

January 18, 2008 7:07 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

The number of people who have experienced the same sort of treatment as Ezra Levant and others is growing. I believe there will eventually, and perhaps sooner rather than later, be so many come to light that it cannot but gain traction come to the attention of those who make decisions in the world's parliament and congresses. Seriously, I don't know how much you know about the Civil Rights Movement in the US during the 1950s and 60s, but it took a long time for it to break through and become known throughout the world. The same will be true of the reform movement that you are part of. Sometimes dramatic events propel a movement forward at a speed that was previously only a dream. This may be happening now. We'll have to wait and see.

January 18, 2008 7:19 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

In the meantime, we're picking them off, one by one

January 18, 2008 7:21 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Oh, and about dealing with the dcat's of the world, you MUST maintain the moral highground. If a person you are engaged in a heated conversation with just gets uglier, the best course of action is to withdraw and not give him/her a target to spew at.

Some people may never be convinced. Don't waste your time on them. The remark sent under the MAS signature really caused me to think whether I should be supporting your group. Chose your targets carefully. As the long list of encouraging email messages you posted shows, there are a great many of us who are willing to enter into a real dialogue and by working together we can make a real difference.

You don't want or need to debate with people who are so intrenched in hatred and suspicion, that they leave you screaming at them, so leave them out of it. It may take steely determination, but just walk away from them. Just my 2 cents worth.

January 18, 2008 7:34 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Seriously, I don't know how much you know about the Civil Rights Movement in the US during the 1950s and 60s, but it took a long time for it to break through and become known throughout the world."

The problem is that Islamofascist successfully insinuated themselves into "modern Civil Rights Movement". Any criticism of anything Islamic (even placing 'Islamic' and 'terrorism' - see this - in the same sentence) is Islamophobia and Islamophobia is racism. Who cares that Islam is not a race? Therefore, now, anyone who criticizes radical Muslims is automatically a racist and an enemy Civil Rights. Why do you think Islamonazis and Dhimmis are working extra time to “expose” us as non-Muslims? Because then our criticism of Islam becomes “racism”.

“In the meantime, we're picking them off, one by one”

I’d hate to burst your bubble, but current situation looks more like one step forward, two steps back. We do have some victories here and there, but thousands of radical madrassas creating millions of hard-core Gihadis annually (some even in the US and Canada), erases any possible progress that military or law enforcement achieve. At this time, the West doesn’t have enough balls to fight all-out war on terror, so the least it could do is to starve the terror out. But it does not even do that.

January 18, 2008 7:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


“Oh, and about dealing with the dcat's of the world, you MUST maintain the moral highground.”

That’s understandable. But how do you fight these?

January 18, 2008 7:49 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

"How do you fight these?"
Exactly the way you did.

And yes, political correctness has taken over the movements of the 1950s and 60s, but people with common sense are starting to fight back.

"At this time, the West doesn’t have enough balls to fight all-out war on terror, so the least it could do is to starve the terror out. But it does not even do that."

Not yet, but don't give up hope. If and when more of the moderate Muslims speak out and, if need be, stare down those would be assassins among your co-religionists, that day will be hastened. What we really need is a civil war, whether it's a cold war or a hot one or a combination of the two, between the forces for modernization and the retrogrades that want to beat you back to the 7th century. The West will be your ally, but it is your war to fight. If it's left up to the West, don't count on us being able to destinquish between the moderates and the fascists.

January 18, 2008 8:32 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


“people with common sense are starting to fight back.”

You mean al three of us? :)

“Not yet, but don't give up hope.”


“The West will be your ally, but it is your war to fight.”

Again, you’re being too optimistic. I submit to you that the war is on, at least the cold one, but the West is definitely not on our side. It provides financial and political support for radical Muslims while moderate Muslims get lip service.

January 18, 2008 9:25 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Can we move this conversation up to my most recent post? I'd like to put it where all three of my readers might notice it. ;)

Seriously, the post I just put up is about three Muslim women challenging the Iman who stuck it to Ezra Levant. It might be a good place to have this dialog.

January 18, 2008 9:40 pm  

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