Exorcising the "Progressive" Illness
The other day on John Murney's blog, I got into a heated discussion with the resident lefties about American intervention in Iraq and how Iraqis are grateful. A little boy leftie who obviously hasn't been following any reliable news about Iraq scoffed at the idea that anyone in Iraq could be grateful, using the analogy that afterall, like Mussolini, at least Saddam Hussein kept the trains running on time.
I proceeded to post numerous websites detailing the atrocities committed by the ex-Ba'athist regime. There is a reason he was known as the Butcher of Baghdad or the King of Terror, and there is plenty of documentation from highly reputable sources that would put the lie to such a silly statement.
Be that as it may, one might ask how it is that I know Iraqis are grateful. First and foremost, I hear about things via my former husband's contacts with his family. He immigrated to Canada way back in 1967 and has a very large extended family still in Iraq. One of his brothers is also currently second in command at the Iraqi Embassy in Washington, DC. I have met many of his closest relatives, namely two brothers, including the one in the diplomatic service, four of his seven sisters and a big slew of nephews and cousins.
These people lived under Saddam's Reign of Terror. There was one occasion, during the Saddam era, when a cousin was visiting North American to deliver a speech at some conference, and he took the opportunity to come to Saskatoon and visit us. He told us what was happening. People disappearing. Political opponents found dead on the street so their bodies would strike fear into the hearts of the populous, and on and on. On another occasion we were intent on visiting Iraq, but my father-in-law met us in Lebanon and begged us not to set foot in Iraq. One of his daughters was deported for the sin of having married a man whose ancestors several generations previously had come from Iran. The old man had lived his life in fear, as did legions of other Iraqis.
Secondly, I know which websites and blogs to read in order to get the real scoop about what's going on. These are sites written by Iraqis, such as Iraq the Model, Iraq Pundit, Talisman Gate and the kindly gentleman known as Alaa, who writes The Mesopotamian blog and who has so singularly impressed so many people with his humble character and sterling erudition.
There have also been many by military people on the scene or stories relaid by their friends and family members at home and for that matter, the official media releases and press conferences from the American Forces. You get day by day real accounts from these people, not left-wing anti-war screeds from people living on this side of the world who have never met an Iraqi and who have never met a soldier and whose only mission in life is to stop all wars no matter how just they are. Oh, and hating George Bush is right up there, as well, Iraqis be damned.
Blogs are an especially rich source of news, especially ones that allow comments, such as Iraq the Model, where loyal commenters frequently post links to news stories from around the world that don't make it to the main stream media's headlines. They are not nearly negative enough to qualify as "news". One commenter at Iraq the Model, our friend Hameed, is especially notable, and especially grateful.
You will also get good, solid, reliable accounts from the independent journalists (not the mainstream media plants) like Pat Dollard, Michael Totten's Middle East Journal and Michael Yon Online Magazine. And finally, be a regular reader of Front Page Magazine, The Long War Journal, Gateway Pundit, Jules Crittenden, Pajamas Media, and Soldier's Dad. The last one, Soldier's Dad, has been invaluable in explaining things that the mainstream anti-military media always gets wrong.
I lament the passing of the day when the men of the free world had the right stuff - my Dad's generation. They are the ones that fought inch by inch through Europe in the 1940s and who were greeted with cheering crowds of grateful French and Dutch citizens when they finally routed the Germans out. Indeed, my Dad stayed with a Dutch family during the war and for years afterward, that family corresponded with him. Even today, when Canadians return to Holland, Dutch citizens who weren't even born until after the war, still hold Canadian soldiers dear to their hearts.
So yes. I know that people who have lived under vicious tyranny, who have lived through war and destruction, who know what it is like to be liberated, can be and are grateful to their liberators, even if the process of liberation killed millions.
So that is how I know that Iraqis are grateful. That is why the milquetoast lefties and folks like John Murney (who would rather spend his life chasing the bogeymen gay-bashing "Christian Fascists" that he has constructed with his vivid paranoia, than learn what is really going on in Iraq) are such losers.
Anyway, true to his irrational drama queen spasmatic character, John (Are you gay, by the way, John? You sure act like the stereotypical gay man.) has deleted the entire thread where the debate took place. That seems to be his style. It's his blog. He can do what he wants with it, including proving to readers that he has a propensity for kneejerk responses and bizzare flights of delusional fantasies. He's a bore. He's anything but progressive and he'll be happy to know I'm done with him. And on behalf of my father and of all those grateful Iraqis whose voices the left denies and the valiant American heroes who rose to the cause, I spit on all of you.
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