Masters Lapdogs of War
Media Death Watch in action on purported kidnapped Canadian soldier
"The [Canadian] reporters are restricted to maintaining a presence at the airbase to report on potential deaths or wounding of Canadian soldiers. The soldiers resent the media for this, and the reporters do not like manning the Death Watch as well. They are at the mercy of the news bureaus, who crave the sensational stories."
Iraqi Journalist's Family Not Dead
"The international media is quick to jump at claims such as this, without providing a critical eye on the sources. The media should have looked at who was behind this."
20 beheaded bodies a bogus story.
"TIME Magazine needs to choose whether they are going to believe the Multi-National Force Iraq, the Iraqi government, the Iraqi media and the BBC?...Or, is TIME going to believe some discredited radical who is feeding them lies?"
Hey, Time Magazine, remember Newsweek's flushing a Koran down the toilet story and the rioting throughout the world that resulted? They retracted their story! Trouble is, retractions and corrections aren't given the same blaring across the headline or top of the hour treatment as the lies that are their subjects.
The enemies of Iraq and Afghanistan have been feeding the media bogus stories all thoughout the war and the media has lapped it up simply because it suits their purpose. The CBC is one of the worst. But we're on to you, folks. That is why your viewership is way down and that is why your bottom lines are bleeding red.
Kinda makes you wonder why people hold fast to the Lancet "studies" too, doesn't it. When Iraq Body Count and iCasualties report a total of 85,675 and 46,219 Iraqi deaths, current to November of this year, respectively, and they are basing their counts on what must surely include some bogus reporting, how is it that the esteemed Lancet can find enough "peers" to review and verify a study that claims there were 98,000 excess deaths as early as October, 2004 and 654,965 by October, 2006, both of which, by the way, were released to the media on the eve of critical US elections. No coincidence there, of course. Surely to God, no one can be accused of deliberate, agenda driven bias, can they! /sarcasm
One of the reasons I don't have television is because I have been on to the game the media plays for a very, very long time. The war in Afghanistan and Iraq was simply the last straw. Sound bites based on misinformation do not inform. They manipulate and indoctrinate. Anyone who thinks they don't should ask themselves why, in dictatorships, the media is controlled by the governments.
If the MSM wants to survive they have to quit treating us as if we are mindless automatons and start offering up thoughtful, well researched substantive pieces that truly educate and enlighten by presenting a full panoply of views. Perhaps this means that several of the leading media giants will have to bleed to death. Decades ago, when television was new, many saw its potential to be a force for enlightenment and education, but rather than developing along those lines, they have chosen to follow the endless quest for ratings by offering up greater and ever more sickening pap and distortion. Like the reporters at the Kandahar airfield, I'll stand over their grave, 'til I am sure they are dead.
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