Doubting Abduls
"did not in any way suggest that Iran was benign for the future"and that they:
"continue work on what he called the "most important component" of any future program, a civilian uranium enrichment plant. Both intelligence officials and nuclear weapons experts have said producing fissile material such as highly enriched uranium is the most difficult aspect of creating a nuclear weapon"and
"to develop a medium ballistic missile, which could be used as the delivery system for nuclear weapons."
It seems the doubting Thomases living in the leader of the Anglosphere have their counterparts in the Arabiansphere, as well. "Kuwaitis are not convinced that Iran wants to develop its nuclear programme for peaceful purposes and are afraid that it could develop a weapon that would damage the whole region" according to a prominent Kuwaiti newspaper editor:
"If we look back over the years, we see a real similarity between Saddam Hussein and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at a level of media control and vanity in the face of Western forces," he said. " It is not about having a battle with the US and the allied forces."And Bahrain concurs.
Meanwhile, lookie here. Saddam henchman escapes raid by Iraqi forces. They've come close to nabbing this guy several times now. Some day, his luck will run out. But look what they did get: "Al Douri was organizing meetings with the local insurgency, the Malaysia Sun reported. Police found computers and documentation with important information on the insurgency and al Qaeda." Luv to know more about those documents.
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