The Door Slams Shut.
Soldier's Dad has been providing a running account of what's happening in Iraq for what must be close to three years. He seems to have studied war as he knows a lot about the history of war, military history, as well as military strategy. He often sees what's behind the scenes and demonstrates an uncanny knack (at least for this clueless civilian) for correctly calling the various maneuvers by the Jihadists and ex-Baathists. He's up on troop maneuvers and rotations and sometimes lapses into incomprehensible military-speak, which, unlike me, many of the posters in his comments box understand. He has also demonstrated on several occasions how the media, which by and large knows sweet tweet about military strategies or anything else military, very nearly always gets their reportage about Iraq all wrong.
In a comment on this blog the other day, I posted about Soldier's Dad's take on the recent NIE report. He believed that the NIE report provides Ahmadinejad and the Mad Mullahs with a face saving opportunity. Today, he posts this: Iran: U.S. Spied to Get Nuke Info. Iran joins a long line of history's blustering, braggadocios who never missed an opportunity to miss and opportunity. Soldier's Dad seems to think that many stateside observers will take note of the regime's incapacity for prescient judgments and act accordingly. But frankly, as long as the Democrats continue to cater to and the likes, I won't be holding my breath.
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