All Jeers and Sneers Gets a Comeuppance
Iraqi expats want to stop Al Jazeera broadcasts in Europe
When Arab dictators are overthrown, then and only then, do we hear what the Arab street really thinks. The fact that Iraqis living in Europe are calling for an end to the broadcasting by Arab Nationalist Dictatorships Club's collective mouthpiece is yet another hint that the state controlled presses in that part of the world DO NOT speak for their people. Rest assured that in the bad old days of Saddam Hussein, even Iraqis living in exile were careful how they spoke for fear of reprisals taken against their relatives at home.
I'm sure Al Jazeera has a whole host of Muslim Rage Boys on call. Look for the exaggerated big screaming mouth, the hyperflexed arms waving in the air and the shoulder to shoulder crowd shot a very close range so as to not reveal that there really isn't a big angry crowd. It's a dead give away. It's just a bunch of paid Rage Boys earning a day's pay in front of the camera.
While I'm at it, let me also put in a plug for MEMRI TV. This website, which Iraqi Mojo mentions, makes hundreds of clips from Arab and Muslim world television programs available for all to see. Some of the clips are real eye openers to the naive little puppies of the world who think all the fault for all the world's woes belongs in the West.
You should check out some of the clips to see what sort of diet the citizens of these countries are fed every day, year in, year out. If you want to know why the Middle Eastern political stalemate is so intractable, look no further.
Sorry I don't comment on your blog much Louise. I have very little Knowledge of the Middle East.
No problem, Huff. I have a direct connection to Iraq through marriage. My kids are half Iraqi. I've had my eyes on that part of the world for forty years.
More good news from Iraq.
I can't believe it. It's like all of a sudden the media is stumbling over itself to get the good news out. Up until a couple of months ago, it was a cut throat scramble "get the bad news out and only the bad news" and they were often caught in the lie.
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